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Friday, January 29, 2010 4:21 AM

Oh no! J.D. Salinger died. The one who brought us Catcher in the Rye. Rest in peace phony old man.


Saturday, January 02, 2010 8:08 AM

We are there, rolling and tumbling down the hill. Normally it would be a very dangerous act but today, it was just fun. Pure fun. I never knew grass would actually be fun to roll in. No mud stain on you, no ants crawling on you. No nothing on you except grass. Green lush grass stained on you. But you have fun. Because you are happy. And hopeful. (And I is just broken all the grammar rules in earth).


Thursday, December 31, 2009 6:53 PM

In Retrospect

Alright, so this is the time everyone sits down and goes into deep thought. I guess me too. Somehow, I need to get a hang of my current life situation. Need to know what on earth is happening right now.

Firstly, this is a groundbreaking year. I was whirled into this whole military thing. Right out of my comfort zone. Right out of what I like to do. Right out of everything I hold on dearly to. You see, there are many stages in your army lifespan. You simply do not spend time in one place only. You go from place A to place B then to place C, and at the same time, meeting tens of dozens of people. Extraordinary people skills are definitely needed. Though not the ultimate panacea for all problems, by having the indispensable people skills, somehow, army was made a little more tolerable. However, when you stay longer in the army, you start to lose what you do best. Picking up a book, sitting down, opening it and trying to get through the first page has become an arduous task. Trying to keep awake while reading has become even more difficult. No, not good at all.

Looking at my written documents, all the serious writing which I did seem to come to a standstill at year 2009. No more inspirations. No more ideas. No nothing at all. I guess that is how it is now - Brain dead.

Haven't really been close to God in 2009. Haven't really been religious. Not that I was very/any to begin with but I know I will try. I will always try to be closer.

All these going to the airport to send people off because they are going to study have actually made me rather green. Females get the chance to continue to further their education whilst the males get the chance to continue to degenerate their brains. Sore, there are many nights I simply lie on the bed thinking why is it so unfair. Complaining does not help the situation. So I guess I just have to suck it all up and take it with a smile.

One thing I haven't lost is my invaluable ability to smile at anything and everything. My cheerful disposition will never be faltered by anything. I hope. By smiling each day, things get done faster and time passes quicker. And all these looking at the full moons and the new moons really do remind me of how fast time passes. I hope they pass.

Hope; the last flicker of light that came out of Pandora's Box.


Monday, December 28, 2009 3:11 AM

Round One...

I hope I don't lose this round. It is still simmering; a big pot of broth in the making. I hope everything becomes alright. I hope I don't have to explode to make things warm.


Saturday, December 12, 2009 1:20 AM

Procenium - A Triplebill is meant for people who have ever found the time to ponder on some of life's quintessential questions: How intimate can actors get onstage? How do university students amuse themselves in their free time? What exactly is a stage?

Find the answers to these questions and more at Proscenium! It consists of three original plays: prepare to see actors run amok in Round the Burning Fire, get ready to fall in love again with How to Talk to Girls at Coffee Places and brace yourself for irreverent ponderings about the art of theatre in This is a Stage.

They say every time you laugh, you add 14 minutes to your life. Well, we guarantee you a whole month.

Proscenium will be staged on 8th, 9th and 10th January 2010, at the Play Den, The Arts House.

Tickets are priced at $22 (incl. GST and ticketing charge) and can be bought via any one of three channels:

Directly from the Arts House at 1 Old Parliament Lane, if you feel a little exercise. Call 6332-6919 or visit www.theartshouse.com/tickets.html for more details.
Through us by emailing proscenium.production@gmail.com. Please provide your name, contact details and ticket order in your email.
Through us by leaving a comment anywhere on this blog. We promise to scour for your order through the multitudes of comments that we will be receiving. Right.


Saturday, December 05, 2009 9:04 AM

Have I ever mentioned that I will name my son Godot? It will be so funny when my wife is pregnant and we walk around telling everyone we are waiting for Godot. Oh my goodness, my brain really does amaze me sometimes.


Thursday, November 26, 2009 3:26 AM

Christmas is coming. Christmas is coming. Christmas is coming. Hurray! I simply can't wait for it.





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