Saturday, November 10, 2007 10:58 PM
Superhero Number 2
Broadway Singer
Codename: Broadway Singer
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Power: Ability to sing a really badly to her enemies. The enemies will cringe in fear whenever she wants to sing. She sings really off key but claims that she is the best singer in the world, thus the codename.
Weak point: People can wear ear muffs.
Arch nemesis: The West End Singer.
Last major battle with arch nemesis: Everyday. Broadway Singer is always competing with West End Singer to see who they can charm more people. They always fail to do so.
Superhero Rating: 7/10
People do not really carry ear muffs with them wherever they go. Especially villians for they have to have their hands free to be able to do evil.Labels: Superhero series
Friday, November 09, 2007 8:19 AM
I am going to start a Superhero series where I will become really weird and let my imagination run wild. I will create superheroes of any kind. Comments and feedbacks are welcome. Please, it is my imagination, my brain, not yours. =)
Superhero Number 1
The Obstacles woman
Codename: Obstacles Woman
Age: It is a secret
Sex: Female
Power: Ability to be an obstacle to the opponent. Her main attribute in becoming an obstacle is that she has the ability to expand. She wills herself to change her body shape into large mountains or into rivers or into high city buildings or into dead ends.
Weak point: Loves to brag. Always telling the enemy that she is very strong. Whenever the enemy is faced with her as the obstacle, she will proudly tell the enemy that she is the obstacle and that there are no ways to penetrate through that. Almost everytime, she will let slip a way to pass through her.
Arch nemesis: The shadow walker.
Last major battle with arch nemesis: Two weeks ago. They have an agreement that they will battle it out once every fornight. To see who is the stronger one. The last battle was a close one. With shadow walker ultimately walking pass the big overshadowing mountain that blocks off all shadows for she let lose that on her extreme left, there was a glimpse of the moon and shadow can be formed there.
Superhero Rating: 5/10
Has the potential to be a strong superhero but just cannot keep her mouth shut.Labels: Superhero series